Village Greens Christmas Orders are now open


approx 180 - 200g serve.  


approx 160g serve.  


approx  180 - 200g fillet.      


per 100g


Approx £45.00.  (£30 per kg -   average size is 1.5kg ) Market price may vary slightly


200g Pack


We are now taking orders for our very popular Little Doones balsamic vinegar gift pack. Little Doones is a small Scottish company who take great pride in only using fresh produce to flavour their balsamic, which comes from one of the oldest and longest established balsamic houses in the Modena region of Italy. This makes[...]


approx 200g waxed truckle


approx 270g. We cut by hand and wrap in our wax paper.


approx 280g We cut by hand and wrap in our wax paper.


approx 260g We cut and individually wrap by hand


approx 200g We cut by hand and wrap in our wax paper.  


200g waxed truckle


200g Waxed Truckle


per 200g waxed truckle


approx 220g


per 300g pot




per 200g tub




per half dozen


per 500ml carton


2 x 200g packs




per apple


per kg



per 1kg - a med bunch


150g pack


per punnet


per punnet


Belgium are known for their top quality strawberries.


per 500g -


per 200g bag